Data Management and Cyber Security Services



Today, with digitalization and technological developments, data management and cyber security services have gained an important place in the business world. The interactive structure in this field plays a critical role for businesses to gain competitive advantage and maintain customer security and trust.


Basic Principles and Processes of Data Management


Data management includes the processes of organizing, storing, updating and sharing businesses' data assets. In this context, data management strategies help businesses achieve operational excellence by focusing on data quality, integrity and reliability. Data management processes also include important areas such as data analysis and reporting.

Threats and Solutions of Cyber Security


Cyber security includes a set of measures aimed at protecting the information technology infrastructure. As businesses face cyber-attacks, data leaks and malware threats, it is important to develop a strong cyber security strategy. These strategies are:

Security Software:


Antivirus Software: Used to protect computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojans and other malicious software.

Firewalls: Provide protection against unauthorized access by controlling network traffic.

Security Software Packages: Comprehensive software that combines various security features, such as antivirus, firewall, spyware blocking, etc.

Network Security:


Encryption: The security of data is ensured by using encryption methods during the transmission and storage stages.

Two-Factor Authentication: A second authentication factor other than encryption is used to verify users' identities.

Firewalls and Security Devices: Devices that monitor network traffic and protect against unauthorized access are used.

VPN (Virtual Private Network): Protects remote access by establishing secure connections over the Internet.

Training Programs:


Awareness Training: Employees are trained on cyber security threats, phishing attacks and social engineering tactics.

Simulations: Through simulations based on realistic scenarios, employees learn how to react to potential threats.

Social Engineering Training: By familiarizing employees with manipulation techniques, it enables them to be more resistant to social engineering attacks.

Emergency Response Plans:


Threat Analysis and Assessment: Potential threats are analysed and their effects and risk levels are determined.

Emergency Response Teams: Special teams are formed for fast and effective intervention in case of an incident.

Communication Strategies: Plans to be used in internal and external communication are determined in advance for crisis situations.

Event Monitoring and Record Keeping: Processes are determined to monitor system events, keep records and conduct post-event analysis.

These elements provide a comprehensive approach to strengthening a business's cybersecurity strategy and making it more resilient against a variety of threats.


Benefits of Data Management and Cyber Security for Businesses


Some important benefits of data management and cyber security for businesses are:

Competitive Advantage: Data management helps businesses gain a competitive advantage by providing access to accurate and reliable data.


Customer Trust: A good cybersecurity strategy maintains customer trust and improves the company's reputation.


Operational Effectiveness: Data management processes enable businesses to operate more efficiently, accelerate decision-making processes and increase operational excellence.


Risk Mitigation: Cybersecurity measures reduce potential risks and ensure business continuity.


Future Challenges


Along with technological developments in data management and cyber security, innovative solutions such as artificial intelligence, block chain and cloud computing come to the fore. However, the transition to these new technologies can also bring challenges such as data privacy and compliance. Therefore, businesses need to be flexible in adapting to these changes and keeping up with current trends.




Data management and cybersecurity are indispensable elements in today's business world. By investing in these areas, businesses have the opportunity to protect their data assets, ensure customer trust and gain competitive advantage. For future success, creating a dynamic data management strategy and a strong cybersecurity infrastructure is inevitable.

Working with professionals in data management and cyber security will protect your business against possible cyber-attacks. For detailed information on this subject, you can contact the Permus team and get more information.

What Can You Expect For Our Collaboration


In the realm of safeguarding data integrity and confidentiality, we excel as seasoned professionals with extensive expertise spanning diverse industries. Our adept team boasts years of hands-on experience dedicated to fortifying the security of invaluable data.


Employing a multi-faceted approach to data security, our services incorporate advanced data loss prevention techniques. Our strategies seamlessly align with various data governance management frameworks. Recognizing that the lifeblood of any business lies in its data, be it client records, employee details, intellectual property, or sensitive credit card information, Permus takes a proactive stance. We diligently categorize all data within your organization, crafting a comprehensive data classification chart. Subsequently, we implement stringent policies and security controls, ensuring the impervious protection of your organizational data.